Steel portal frame design in accordance with EN 1993-1-1 and BS5950. Now with extensions for Eurocode design with BS 5502-22 for class 2 for agricultural buildings.
Quikport is the most versatile portal frame design program on the market. In addition to elastic and elastic-plastic methods, it incorporates a unique optimising routine based on linear programming techniques. With no restrictions on frame geometry, Quikport will deliver the goods where other programs fail. Intelligent wizard technology for automatic design and checking. Includes second order analysis and automatic load generation including wind-loading. Designs to Eurocode-3 and BS5950.
Quikport has just about every feature you could ever want in a portal program. Uniquely, it has elastic, elastic-plastic and rigorous minimum weight plastic design – all in the one program. It also has advanced 2nd order and stability methods. So whatever your preference, whatever the frame geometry, Quikport will deliver the goods where other programs fail.
Because it imposes no restrictions on frame geometry and has no built-in limits, Quikport handles a much wider variety of frames than any other plastic design program. In addition to single-span, multi-span, propped or tied portals, it can be used for any 2D frame. Its wide range of loading types further adds to its considerable versatility.
Like all Quiksoft programs, Quikport is outstandingly easy to use. Just sketch the frame, sketch the loading, choose your analysis/design method and view the results. Helpful advice is just a keyclick away. To make things even easier, we’ve included a unique ‘input wizard’ which even generates the geometry and loading (including wind/snow) for a range of standard frames.
Quikport allows you to simply drag ‘n drop, edit or copy any structural element faster and easier than ever before. Save your alternative designs in Quikport’s own project-based filing system. Compare prices using its built-in price calculator.
This really is the most advanced portal frame design program. Using the same up-to-date and innovative interface as Quikframe, the program is faster, even more user-friendly and incorporates all the latest elastic, plastic and second-order methods.
Switch instantly between display modes. Analysis is automatically run when necessary so your results are always valid for the current frame model.
The popular Input Wizard is retained so that data entry for standard frames is extremely simple with frame loadings, including wind and snow loadings, being automatically calculated for all frames in a building. Purlin and sheeting layout tools complete the picture.
The Design and Check wizards have substantially increased speed. Unlike other programs, Quikport automatically considers all aspects of a frame including capacity, stability, in-plane stability, second-order effects and the addition of stays. Elastic, elastic-plastic, rigorous minimum weight, advanced second-order refined hinge analysis, elastic critical load (for any geometry) are just some of the methods in use. However, the Engineer always has control over the final design.
There are no built-in limits in Quikport, only the limits of your computer.
- The most flexible and capable steel portal frame design program available.
- New generation software, fully Eurocode compliant.
- Comprehensive portal frame analysis and design program with no built-in limits.
- Elastic, rigorous minimum weight and elastic-plastic design methods including 2nd order effects.
- Input Wizard for fast input of geometry and loading for standard portals.
- Automatic wind and snow load generation.
- Unique CAD-like input, just sketch your frame or use the intelligent input wizard, or both!
- Wide range of loading types, just sketch the loading or use the wizard.
- Design Wizard considers all loading combinations sizing sections and automatically adding the optimum purlin/rail stays.
- Check Wizard automates all out of plane and in-plane (second order) stability checks.
- Automatic frame and member stability checks, including in-plane stability to BS5950:Part 1:2000, EN 1993-1.
- Amplified moment method and advanced 2nd order elastic/plastic analysis.
- Links to Quikjoint for near automatic eaves, apex and base design.
- Comprehensive on-screen and printed output with links to CAD via DXF and CIS/2